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by Dan | Aug 3, 2012 | General | 2 comments
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Hi Dan, I’m starting to read your ebook even though I’m not even a begginer apex programmer. I quit programming back in the VB6 days. Now I’m trying to return to my developer roots and for the first time develop a web app.
I’m glad you released this book because the little pieces I’m understanding so far are the ones making a difference in how I develop the app.
Now I’m trying to install your sample code within my DE. And this arises two questions I’d like you to help me with:
1) Is it ok to install the sample code in the same DE as my app development one or should I create another DE?
2) I tried to install the sample code and run into this error:
Duplicate Name
The name “Contact.Level__c” is already used on component type: Custom Field Definition. Please rename existing component.
Thank you!
I’m glad you’re enjoying the book. I would definitely create a separate dev org for the sample code. Your app development should be in a completely clean org (you’ll read more about strategies for using different orgs later in the book).
2 – It’s a quirk in unmanaged packages where it includes the custom field in the package but it conflicts with the one already on your dev org. Delete the existing Level__c field from the contact record on your org and the package should install.